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2022 Dakota School of Lending Principles
Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 8:00 AM to Friday, April 01, 2022, 5:00 PM CST
Category: SDBA Events

2022 Dakota School of Lending Principles

March 29 to April 1, 2022
Best Western Ramkota Hotel
Aberdeen, S.D.

Photo of lending.

The SDBA/NDBA Dakota School of Lending Principles is a learning event with one foot grounded in the classroom and one foot in the bank. This school allows students to learn the theory and process of basic lending and then put this knowledge to work in actual nuts and bolts sessions.

This school is limited to 50 students. Register today!


The Dakota School of Lending Principles, hosted by the South Dakota Bankers Association and co-sponsored by the North Dakota Bankers Association on March 29 - April 1, 2022, in Aberdeen, S.D., is a learning event with one foot grounded in the classroom and one foot in the bank. This school allows students to learn the theory and process of basic lending and then put this knowledge to work in actual nuts and bolts sessions.

The school provides basic instruction appropriate for loan officer trainees, loan support personnel and personal bankers. To ensure exposure to bank structure and terminology, it is recommended that applicants have a minimum of six months lending experience or one year of loan department experience. Applicants not meeting the suggested prerequisites will be contacted to discuss admission qualifications.

Loan Modules

In the four modules on loan types, learn the lending process by studying elements applicable to each loan type: terminology, the application process, interviewing, investigation, credit analysis, loan structure, decision communication and selling. Case studies and exercises provide hands-on learning experience.

Consumer Lending – March 29 | Instructor Richard E. Beck, Jr.

This module is designed to teach the consumer lending process from start to finish. Learn the types of consumer loans. Identify the sections of an application and learn how to evaluate a consumer request. Understand the four types of collateral: depreciating, fluctuating, stable and appreciating value. Use the five Cs of credit in making a lending decision and learn documentation requirements applicable to consumer loans. Learn the do’s and don’ts of collections and role-play loan interviews and loan denials. Instructor Richard Beck retired as senior vice president of commercial banking for STAR Financial Bank in Ft. Wayne, Ind., and has served as school director of the Indiana Bankers Association’s Consumer Credit School and taught at the American Bankers Association Consumer Credit School.

Real Estate Lending – March 30 | Instructor Perry Haralson

Learn about the various types and risks of residential, commercial and construction/development real estate mortgage products. Understand the purpose of each section of the standard residential real estate loan application. Be able to assist applicants with pre-qualification. Understand the loan process and key steps. Know how to analyze key sections of a residential appraisal to determine market value sufficient to support the loan. Know the purpose of title insurance and attorney opinions. Understand the fundamentals of a loan closing. Have a basic understanding of the required real estate lending regulations and knowledge of the timing requirements involved. Instructor Perry Haralson is CFO and director of compliance for Cornhusker Bank in Lincoln, Neb. He spent 11 years in the U.S. Marine Corps prior to starting his banking career.

Analyzing Small Business Loans – March 31 | Instructor Tom Capouch

Understand income statement and balance sheet composition and how to common size statements. Understand interviewing techniques and learn how to investigate trade references. Also understand lender liability, the causes of problem loans and collections. Use a commercial loan case to learn select commercial lending ratios, documents commonly used, and the steps involved in closing a loan. Instructor Tom Capouch is market president of First State Bank in Portland, N.D. He was named Northwestern Financial Review’s Rising Star for North Dakota in 2002 and received the Greater North Dakota Association Leadership Award in 2005.

Agricultural Lending – April 1 | Instructor Tim Ohlde

Understand the major drivers shaping U.S. agriculture. Identify the main classifications of farm size and the borrowing needs of each class. Become familiar with some of the financial statement recommendations of the Farm Financial Standards Council, including the balance sheet and an accrual-adjusted income statement. Gain exposure to identifying the financial strengths and weaknesses of farm customers. Instructor Tim Ohlde is president of a rural community bank in north central Kansas and CEO of Country Banker Systems, LLC. He has more than 30 years of banking experience including positions as lender, loan resolution specialist and senior loan review specialist.

What Students Gain

  • Insight into how funds and risk management and profit objectives affect the lending process.
  • Increased skill in comprehending and analyzing business and personal financial statements.
  • Improved skill ascertaining client needs through the interviewing process.
  • Increased knowledge of the steps and analysis process involved in consumer, real estate, small business and agricultural lending.
  • The ability to capitalize on selling opportunities.
  • An understanding of loan documentation requirements.
  • The opportunity to learn from respected, dynamic and experienced faculty members as well as peers.
  • The opportunity to expand skills and knowledge beyond the bounds of “on-the-job training.”

School Location/Hotel Details

Best Western Ramkota Hotel
1400 8th Ave NW, Aberdeen, S.D.

The hotel room rate is $104.99 per night. To make your reservation, call 605.229.4040 and indicate you are with the SDBA Lending School.

Registration Fees

The school has a limited enrollment of 50 people per day. Bankers can attend the entire four-day school or select individual modules. Banks may also purchase one registration for the entire school and send a different employee for each module. Please copy the form if registering more than one employee.

Entire Four-Day School: Member $900/person or Non-member $1,350/person
Individual Module: Member $265/person or Non-member $405/person

* If registering after March 15, add $50 per applicant. Last day to register is March 25.

Cancellation Policy: 100% refund if canceled one week prior to the event. 75% refund if canceled three to six days prior. No refund for cancellations two days before the event. Substitutions are allowed at any time.

More Information

Contact Halley Lee, SDBA, at 605.224.1653 or [email protected].

Contact: Halley Lee at [email protected] or 605.224.1653