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SDBA 2021 IRA School
Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 8:00 AM to Friday, October 01, 2021, 5:00 PM CST
Category: SDBA Events

SDBA 2021 IRA School

September 28–October 1, 2021
Clubhouse Hotel & Suites, Sioux Falls, S.D. & Virtual

 IRA Photo



Dec. 20, 2019 | SECURE Act “Retirement Tax Bill” Signed
March 27, 2020 | CARES Act Passed
2021 New IRS Notices

The SECURE Act impacts two main topics: RMDs and death distributions. The SDBA’s 2021 IRA School on Sept. 28 to Oct. 1 in Sioux Falls will address these relevant changes. IRAs are one of the most complicated areas of bank personnel responsibility. Continual education is necessary to ensure confidence. Working with IRAs is a process and must start with a strong foundation. This school can provide this foundation through a comprehensive curriculum.

Registration Fee for Live In-Person

(Includes school program, instruction materials, lunches and breaks.)
Full School (days 1-4): Member: $1,000 per person, Nonmember: $1,150 per person
Days 1-3 Only: Member: $725 per person, Nonmember: $875 per person
Day 4 Only: Member: $275 per person, Nonmember: $425 per person

Registration Fee for Virtual

(Includes school program and instruction materials.)
Full School (days 1-4): Member: $900 per person, Nonmember: $950 per person
Days 1-3 Only: Member: $650 per person, Nonmember: $700 per person
Day 4 Only: Member: $250 per person, Nonmember: $300 per person


Who Should Attend: Days 1 - 3

For new IRA and experienced staff, this program is the quickest, easiest and most comprehensive coverage of IRAs and HSAs. Days one to three of the school will cover new and current IRA material, and previous topics covered at the school will be expanded.

Please Bring To Class:
IRA Vendor Forms
Plan Agreement
Contribution Form
Distribution Form
Transfer Request
Direct Rollover Request
Rollover Certification
70.5 Election Form
Waiver Form
Beneficiary Plan Agreement
Beneficiary Elections
Beneficiary Contribution
Beneficiary Distribution Form
RMD Letter
Withholding Reminder Notice

September 28-30 Agenda

Overviews of IRAs

  • Procedures to establish IRAs
  • Bankruptcy & IRAs
  • Saver’s tax credit
  • IRA transfers vs rollovers
  • QRP direct rollovers vs indirect
  • Conversions
  • Taxation vs penalty tax
  • Trusts as a beneficiary
  • HSAs

Topics SECURE Act Affects

  • Plan agreement changes
  • Amendments
  • Contribution rules
  • Pre-59.5 exceptions
  • RMD rules
  • Death distributions
  • Beneficiary options

SECURE Act Covered in Complete Detail

  • Changes to contributions eligibility
  • RMDs
  • Death distributions
  • Additions to pre-59.5 exceptions
  • Possible tax credits
  • Amendments plan agreements, plus more

Who Should Attend: Day 4 (optional)

This program is for anyone who is involved indirectly or directly in IRA operations, reporting, auditing or compliance and covers how the SECURE Act will affect bank operations. Attendees will work on actual case problems.

October 1 Agenda

Excess Contributions

  • Causes
  • How to correct
  • Reporting


  • What are they
  • Procedure
  • Reporting

Withholding Reminder Notices

Reporting: Year of Death & Year After Death

SECURE Act Requirements

  • Changes in forms
  • Explanation of amendment process
  • Change RMD letters
  • Beneficiary options


  • Reporting procedures for rolling RMDs back into an IRA
  • Reporting of 2019 IRA contributions
  • Explanation/handling of COVID-19 distribution rules

5498 & 1099 Correction Procedures

Trust Issues

Case Problems

* Life expectancy tables changed Jan. 1, 2021. How did that affect existing accounts?

Daily School Schedule

7:30—8:15 a.m. Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:15—8:30 a.m. Welcome
8:30 a.m.—noon Session
Noon—1:00 p.m. Lunch Provided
1:00—4:45 p.m. Session


The school will be held September 28—October 1, at:

Clubhouse Hotel & Suites

2320 S. Louise Ave., Sioux Falls
Phone: 605.361.8700

If you require overnight lodging, contact the hotel to make your reservation by Aug. 28, at which time the block will be released. Ask for the SDBA rate of $115 for a standard queen room or $119 for a queen suite.

Virtual Option

In addition to the school being held live in Sioux Falls, sessions will also be live-streamed and recorded to be watched at a later date. If you are not comfortable attending in person, simply choose to participate virtually, and you can attend from the comfort of your home or office. When registering for this event, select either attending live in-person or attending virtually.


This school has applied for continuing education credits from the South Dakota Division of Insurance. The school has not been pre-approved for ICB CE credits. For ICB credits, visit https://aba.csod.com/client/aba/default.aspx.


Business casual is recommended for all sessions. Layered clothing is recommended for your comfort.

Special Requests

If you have any special requests, please contact Halley Lee at 605.224.1653 or [email protected] by Sept. 15.


For questions, contact Halley Lee with the SDBA at 605.224.1653 or [email protected] or school instructor, Mike Nelson, at 218.831.1858 or [email protected].