SDBA 2021 Lead Strong: Women In Banking Conference
September 14-15, 2021
Sioux Falls Convention Center, Sioux Falls, S.D.

Join us Sept. 14-15 for the SDBA’s 2021 LEAD STRONG: Women in Banking Conference, which promises to educate, enlighten and engage. After the past year-and-a-half, we are definitely in need of an opportunity to connect with one another and celebrate all we have endured since we last met. In addition to a great lineup of speakers and ample opportunity to network, come prepared for some interactive sessions. Bring your best listening skills (read why below), your most insightful questions for our industry leader panel and bring a book or two that you would like to exchange during the “Once Upon a Time...” session.
* If you plan to attend the SDBA's LEAD STRONG: Women in Banking Conference and missed out on a hotel room at the Sheraton Sioux Falls, rooms are available at the Holiday Inn and Suites Sioux Falls Airport (across Russell Street from the Sheraton). To reserve a hotel room at the Holiday Inn and Suites Sioux Falls Airport, call 605.331.2040, press 2 and ask for a room from the SD Bankers block. The block will expire on Sept. 10.
Fee includes the conference, electronic handouts, lunch, breaks and reception.
Member: $200 per person
Non-Member: $350 per person
*After Sept. 6, add $30 per person. Onsite, add $40 per person

5:30–6:30 p.m. Reception, R-Wine Bar, 322 E. Eighth St., Sioux Falls
7:30–8:30 a.m. Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Welcome
8:30–9:30 a.m. The Spectrum of Awesome
Kristen Brown, Kristen Brown Presents, Minneapolis, Minn.
Stress can dim your spark, but when you mindfully master your energy you can create the most awesome version of you! Not only does this greatly increase the likelihood that you will be seen as a respected leader and colleague, but your connections will be more likely to spread positive words about you too. During this session, you will identify key elements of your personal and professional brand and how to charge them up for success. You will uncover what makes you and your colleagues credible, likable, trustworthy and competent both professionally and personally and how to NOT let stress impact that awesomeness. Kristen Brown is an energy mastery expert who helps you get charged up even during change and stress. She works with companies around the world and has appeared in “Live with Kelly,” “Forbes,” “Working Mother” and “Psychology Today.”
9:30–10:15 a.m. Mix it Up
Take part in this fast-paced session where you can learn from you colleagues on a variety of topics. This facilitated session will provide an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions and learn from one another in a fun, relaxed environment.
10:15–10:30 a.m. Break
10:30–10:45 a.m. Say What?
Dusty Pinske, First Interstate Bank, Rapid City Market, Rapid City, S.D.
This micro session will lead us through a fun—and telling—exercise that will challenge our ability to effectively communicate with one another. What happens to our communications when we are distracted? What happens when we don’t focus? When we can’t hear? Dusty Pinske will translate this exercise into a strategy for both strong communication and listening skills.
10:45–11:30 a.m. Human Trafficking: Closer to Home Than You Think
Terri Luttrell, Abrigo, Austin, Texas
Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal activities in the world, exploiting more than 45 million people and generating an estimated $150 billion in profits each year. Through the use of force, fraud and coercion, traffickers compel victims of all genders, ages and nationalities into situations of labor and sexual exploitation, in our own communities. Financial institutions have a critical role to play to identify and disrupt human trafficking. This session will discuss what financial institutions and BSA professionals can do to help identify, flag and prevent human trafficking. Terri Luttrell is CAMS-audit certified and has more than 20 years in the banking industry, working both in medium and large community banks in the areas of compliance/fraud, commercial lending and deposit operations.
11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Leadership—Courage Within
Julee Fox, BKD CPAs & Advisors, Kansas City, Mo.
Julee Fox is a partner in the audit department of the financial institutions practice at BKD CPAs & Advisors. She will relate how courage has played a role in her leadership style throughout the years. Fox has focused on her passion of community banking for more than 25 years.
12:15–1:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15–1:30 p.m. Once Upon a Time...
We all love to lose ourselves in a good book! But, what other benefits occur when you curl up with your latest novel, biography or self-care book? Please bring a book or two to exchange with other attendees and learn about the positive effects of reading.
1:30–2:15 p.m. Sit Down, Gordon. I Am Enough.
Kristina Schaefer, First Bank & Trust, Sioux Falls, S.D.
Research shows that almost 70% of people may suffer from impostor syndrome. During this presentation, Kristina Schaefer will explore the concept of this syndrome. She will offer tips for overcoming impostor syndrome in the workplace and provide suggestions to help those around you who also may be suffering from this condition. Schaefer serves as general counsel and chief risk officer for First Bank & Trust, a $3.7 billion organization headquartered in Brookings, S.D. She is a member of several local, state and national professional organizations, serving on a number of committees and advisory councils, as well as chair of the South Dakota Bankers Association and a member of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Community Bank Advisory Council.
2:15–3:00 p.m. Honest Conversations
Join a distinguished group of women banking industry leaders as they discuss their career paths, challenges they have faced and accomplishments they have achieved. They will share their personal experiences and advice for thriving in today’s banking environment. Come prepared with questions for the panelists. Interactivity is the name of the game!
3:00–3:15 p.m. Break
3:15–4:00 p.m. Building a Powerful Presence
Sheila Anderson, Image Power Play, Sioux Falls, S.D.
Are you tired of walking into the room and feeling invisible? Do you lack confidence in how you are presenting yourself? Are you not turned on with who you are? Learn how to bring forward your inner and outer expression, connecting it with the experience only you can bring so you will have others at “hello.” Known as the International Branding Icon, Sheila Anderson draws from more than two decades of experience when speaking and producing in the world of impression management. She is a speaker, best-selling author, certified image consultant, personal brand strategist, trained professional model and an advisor to C-level corporate executives. Her exceptional talent benefits executives and notables at any level in polishing all facets of their personal brand —appearance, attire, behavior, body language and more—to increase influence and be memorable.
4:00 p.m. Wrap Up/Adjourn
Thank you Sponsors!

CALL TO FREEDOM | 605.261.1880
Every 30 seconds someone becomes a victim of human trafficking, and there are an estimated 40 million people in bondage across the globe. Fourteen years old is the average age of a trafficking victim. Call to Freedom provides supportive services for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation by creating a strong network of frontline providers who offer safe housing, mental health counseling, medical assistance, transportation and other supportive services.
Collaboration is the key to working to address this issue. Join us as we partner with Call to Freedom to help victims of human trafficking by bringing a gift card of your choice to donate. Gift cards allow Call to Freedom to direct resources according to need. Most useful are Visa cards, Walmart, HyVee, Lewis Drug, Walgreens, etc. Any denomination will be appreciated.
SIOUX FALLS CONVENTION CENTER | 1201 N. West Ave., Sioux Falls, S.D.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sheraton Sioux Falls & Convention Center at 1211 N. West Ave. for the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 14. The rate is $123 per room. Please contact the Sheraton at 605.331.0100 to make your reservation by Aug. 15, when the block will be released.
Interested in sponsoring? Please complete and submit our sponsorship form!