As part of the SDBA’s mission to grow South Dakota’s future bank leaders, we feature a monthly emerging leader. This month’s feature is on Andy Hubbart from BankWest in Pierre.
First-Ever Job
My first job was as a stockboy at Jubilee Foods in Brandon, S.D. I was 16 when I started and worked my way up to the dairy department manager before graduating high school in 1999. It was a great job that allowed me to learn the importance of being organized and on time. The job allowed me to work nights and weekends while still keeping up with my school work.
Emerging Leader Story
I have been in banking since I started as a teller for First Bank & Trust in Brookings during the summer of my senior year of college. I moved through the ranks as a loan assistant, consumer loan officer, and finally a Branch President at the White, S.D. location. My first direct examination experience was in White and it set up my career as I learned very quickly that the times were changing due to the 2008 housing crisis. After a four year stay in White, I decided that I needed a change and that I really wanted to develop my ag/commercial lending skills in a larger community. BankWest was kind enough to extend an offer to me to become a Ag/Commercial Lender in the Pierre office. The support that I received over the years from the staff and ownership has been wonderful. During my eight-year tenure as a lender, I was able to complete my MBA through USD, which was fully funded by the continuing education program offered by BankWest to its employees. In early 2021 I was promoted to Central Regional President, in charge of the Pierre, Kadoka and Kennebec markets for BankWest.
What He Most Likes About His Job
I currently directly manage nine employees throughout the central South Dakota market, in addition to continuing to manage my loan portfolio. I really enjoy meeting with customers and helping them succeed financially, as well as in their personal lives. Banking is a great way to build lasting relationships with great people throughout various industries that go deeper than taking orders and completing paperwork. It has also been wonderful to watch the younger lenders that report to me develop and become strong financial experts that make a difference for their customers. There is nothing more rewarding than watching someone that you have coached see success and gain confidence.
If He Could Have Any Job
One area that has always intrigued me is the accounting world. It is fascinating to me the level of knowledge that accountants are forced to retain and the constant changes they see year in and year out. I have a lot of respect for accountants that are at the top of their field. They are vital parts to the success of their clients and are also key partners for bankers.
His Life’s Passions
I am very passionate about keeping our local economy strong and vibrant. I enjoy meeting with young entrepreneurs and serving on the local economic board. If we want to see our community remain relevant in the state, we need to focus on preserving and promoting the good things that we have going for us locally.
In His Spare Time
I really enjoy fishing on the river with my family or playing golf with my friends in my free time. I envision those hobbies being displaced over the coming years as my son, who is 3 will be starting various sporting activities, but I look forward to watching him develop as well.
Little Known Facts About Him
I am currently the Chairman of PEDCO (Pierre Economic Development Corporation) and have enjoyed working with that board since 2016. I have also been an active board member of the local Delta Waterfowl Chapter since 2014, as well as serving as the Vice President of Resurrection Lutheran Church Council and have served on that council since 2017. My wife and I have one son, Camden, who is 3 and occupies the majority of my free time outside of the various commitments.