The 2022 South Dakota Legislature opens on Tuesday, Jan. 11, in Pierre and is a 38-day session. The main run of the session ends on March 10, with March 28 reserved for consideration of gubernatorial vetoes. For the full legislative schedule, listing of bills, committee schedules and legislators’ contact information, visit the South Dakota Legislative Research Council’s website.
The SDBA Board of Directors and Legislative Committee met on Dec. 2, 2021, in Fort Pierre to discuss potential legislation that could be introduced during the 2022 South Dakota Legislature. Topics discussed included potential legislation dealing with the Second Amendment and banks restricting business with the firearms industry, cannabis, COVID-19 vaccination mandates, the state’s Appraiser Experience Training Program, provisions for virtual currency, IRS bank data collection, the state’s bank franchise tax, workforce housing, priority liens, long-term bank financing of manufactured homes and property assessed clean energy financing.
Bankers can stay current on legislative issues of importance by reading or listening to a podcast of the SDBA’s weekly Legislative Update and reading the Legislative Bill Watch. Publications are posted at online on Fridays during session. You can also request to receive email notifications when the publications are posted online by contacting Alisa Bousa.
Bankers can stay up-to-date on legislation which could affect the banking industry, visit with state legislators and constitutional officers, and make sure our industry is heard by attending the SDBA State Legislative Day on Feb. 9 in Pierre. Learn more and register to attend.