Make Sure Our Industry Is Heard at 2022 SDBA State Legislative Day
The SDBA State Legislative Day on Feb. 9, 2022, at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center in Pierre is your opportunity to stay up-to-date on both state and federal legislation which could affect the banking industry, visit with state legislators and constitutional officers, and make sure our industry is heard.
The day will include an SDBA Legislative Committee meeting, lunch, SDBA update, featured speaker Dr. Chris Kuehl, Gov. Kristi Noem (invited), the chance to visit with state legislators at the State Capitol, and an evening reception with state legislators and constitutional officers. The day will also include special sessions specifically designed for emerging bank leaders.
Dr. Kuehl will present "Is 2021 Really in the Rear View?" Now that we have entered 2022, are we seeing the progress we hoped for? What issues are still affecting the economy? Where has there been some progress? What are the new concerns? Inflation, labor shortages, supply chain disruption and the pandemic are still playing havoc with the system, but there has also been some good news in terms of growth—especially in the agricultural sector.
See the full agenda and register.