Agriculture lenders are invited to attend one of three Ag Lender Conferences hosted by SDSU Extension throughout the month of October in Sioux Falls, Watertown and Rapid City.
“SDSU Extension understands the relationship agriculture producers have with their lender and its impact on the success of their operations,” said Jack Davis, SDSU Extension crops business management field specialist. “By providing lenders timely market, financial and production information, they are better able to assist agriculture producers.”
The conferences will be held:
- Sioux Falls: Oct. 23, SDSU Extension Regional Center (2001 E. Eighth St.)
- Watertown: Oct. 25, SDSU Extension Regional Center (1910 W. Kemp Ave.)
- Rapid City: Oct. 27, West River Ag Center (1905 Plaza Blvd.)
The early registration rate of $75 is available until Oct. 16. Learn more and register online. Questions, contact Jack Davis.